Friday, 28 September 2012

CQC reveals registration cost proposals for GPs

 GP practices will be expected to front a £6m bill towards the cost of CQC registration in the first year of the process, the regulator has revealed.

Subject to consultation, the CQC's proposals mean that most GP practices will be paying between £550 and £850 for registration in the first year, with the maximum fee set at £15,000. However this could rise in the second year when the CQC is intending to recover more of its funding through fees.

The regulator has estimated the cost of registering primary care at a total of £12m during the first year, out of which it has committed to the Treasury to recover 50% in fees.

Full Article on Pulse Today

DH assisns £1.5m for personal health budgets launch

The government is setting aside £1.5 million to help fuel a national introduction of personal health budgets for certain National Health Service patients, which could take place later this year.

More than 60 primary care trusts in England are currently involved in a nationwide pilot programme, which, it is hoped, will help clarify how personal health budgets can best benefit patients, the aspects of care they could be spent on, and the best route of their implementation.

Evaluation of the pilots is expected this Autumn, and so the Department of Health has identified the funds to ensure that the scheme is 'good to go' as soon as the findings are known.

Care Minister admits services are under 'enormous strain' as he pledges extra help

Services for the elderly and disabled are under “enormous strain”, the Care Minister acknowledged today as he promised extra help for family members who give up work to look after relatives.

Norman Lamb's pledge follows the disclosure in the Independent that the crisis in social care is costing the British economy more than £5bn a year in carers' lost wages and tax contributions as well as benefit payments.

"The system which has remained underfunded for decades is under enormous strain," he said in an interview with the Independent.

Full Article on The Independent

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Hospital moves to improve dementia diagnosis

DEMENTIA is being put under the spotlight at the Great Western Hospital this month in a bid to increase early diagnosis rates.

It comes after a national campaign was launched by the Department of Health with support from the Alzheimer’s Society.

The A Day to Remember campaign will encourage people to have that first ‘difficult conversation’ with a friend or family member when they spot the signs and symptoms of dementia, and encourage them to visit their GP.

Full Article on This is Wiltshire

Monday, 24 September 2012

PICTURE: What the health & care system will look like from April 2013

This diagram gives an overview of the new health and care system from April 2013. It illustrates the statutory bodies that will make up the new system, oriented around people and communities and where they receive their local health and care services. The illustration of local health services is indicative of a range of familiar settings for health and care services and is not intended to be comprehensive – the range of services available and the way in which they are delivered will vary according to local priorities.

Primary care holds the key to raising quality of dementia patients' lives

In recent years dementia has fallen into the healthcare spotlight and will remain there for some time as our ageing population continues to grow and, as a result, the number of people with dementia rises.

This increase in the number of people with dementia is also due to the ability to better diagnose the disorder – although England's diagnosis rate remains quite low at 42%, on average.

Without a diagnosis as a starting point, people are denied access to support, help and potential treatments that can help them live well with dementia.

Timely diagnosis requires a committed focus, and so a new Department of Health awareness campaign, supported by the Alzheimer's Society, starts this month.

Full Article on Guardian Healthcare Network

Give a Carer the break they deserve...

Champneys want to give one carer and their friend a couple of days away from it all by sending them on a relaxing Champneys break!

Are you a carer or do you know a carer that deserves a break? If you use facebook you can send in a nomination to Champneys by telling them in 200 words of less why you or the carer you know deserves to win a 1 night Pamper Break.

The break will include two complimentary treatments, full use of the facilities and a nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Most older adults with autism have not had care assessment

Almost three-quarters of older adults diagnosed with autism have never had a community care assessment in apparent contravention of statutory guidance, a National Autistic Society survey has found.

The charity found 71% of adults aged over 45 with a diagnosis of autism had not had their needs assessed by their local authority.

This is despite the 2010 autism strategy saying that an autism diagnosis should trigger the local authority's duty, under the NHS and Community Care Act, to assess people who may be in need of community care services.

Full Article on Community Care

Benefit freeze considered as Osborne seeks more welfare cuts

The coalition is examining plans to save billions of pounds by imposing a two-year freeze on some benefits, as George Osborne tries to cut welfare costs by £10bn by 2016.

As the Child Poverty Action Group warned that poor families could fall even further behind the rest of society, government sources indicated ministers were bracing themselves for "tough choices".

George Osborne warned in his budget earlier this year that slower than expected economic growth means he will have to find extra welfare savings to ensure other areas, such as schools and hospitals, avoid even deeper cuts.

Full Article on Guardian Society

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

EVENT: Music and memories to mark World Alzheimer's Day

People living with memory loss are invited to a special event in Trowbridge to mark World Alzheimer’s Day on Friday.

Wiltshire charity Alzheimer’s Support has teamed up with Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition for a series of events culminating in Music and Memories in the Sensory Garden at Park Road.

Those coming along can bring a personal memory or wish on a paper leaf to hang on a memory tree in the garden, which will be lit by 400 tealights for the evening.

Full Article on Wiltshire Times

Monday, 17 September 2012

Help Carers Trust become The Co-op Charity of the Year

We are a network member of the Carers Trust who are one of two charities in the running to become The Co-operative's Charity of the Year.

It is likely that you or somebody close to you cares for a partner, parent, sibling, child, or friend - in fact, three in five of us will at some point be a carer. In the UK there are 290,000 young adults caring for family and friends who could not cope without them.

Emma, 20, has cared for her Mum, who has Multiple Sclerosis, and her brother, who is autistic, for 10 years. "I've always helped out a lot at home – cooking, cleaning, washing, caring for Jack and supporting mum. I often missed school, and when at school worried about mum and Jack. Money was scarce and I had no idea how we would pay all the bills."

Since Emma contacted Carers Trust, her life has been transformed. Her local centre provides regular one to one practical and emotional support and she attends weekly activities with other young adult carers. "The support has been truly life changing - I am happier and more confident, I've started college where I am taking A-levels and am hopefully going to university next year. I am so grateful for Carers Trust's support - without them, I would not be where I am today."

Young adult carers like Emma need your support to protect their health and safeguard their future but many don't currently have access to these vital services. Your money will help us to reach 20,000 young adult carers, transforming their lives and enabling them to reach their full potential.

If you work for The Co-operative, or are a member, please help the Carers Trust to become Charity of the Year. Not only will it benefit the national organisation for Carers, it will also benefit local Carer Support charities such as Carer Support Wiltshire.

Please vote for Carers Trust today

IT, biscuits and free lessons on the computer in Melksham

MELKSHAM Library is hosting a drop-in session to teach people about the internet on Thursday, September 20.

Wiltshire Council’s online team will host the free session at the library between 10am and 4.30pm.
The session is open to all ages and volunteers will demonstrate the basics and how to get online. Help will also be available for people with disabilities.

John Thomson, cabinet member for communities said: “This will be a great session for those who have always wanted to learn more about IT and the internet, but have never got round to it or were perhaps a little daunted at the thought.”

Free IT support is also available for people who cannot attend the session. Volunteers can provide one-to-one support at a convenient time and location. For more information, call 01225 793349 or visit 

North Bradley Computer Club is also taking part in the Itea and Biscuits with a free drop-in session on Tuesday from 10.30am to noon. All adults interested in learning to use the internet and computing in general are welcome to attend. Call 01225 765644 to reserve a place.

Article from This is Wiltshire

Thursday, 13 September 2012

SURVEY: Rethink Siblings Network

Rethink Mental Illness’ Siblings Network – an information and support project for the brothers and sisters of people with mental illness – is now in its third and final year of funding. 

They’ve reached over 25,000 people to date, providing the siblings of people with mental illness with the tools to support their brothers and sisters and look after their own wellbeing and mental health too. 

However, they don’t want it to end here.

They’d like to apply for funding to continue the project and build on what they’ve learnt over the last few years and they need your help

If you have experience of mental illness, you have a siblings affected by mental illness, you are the parent of someone affected by mental illness or you are a professional working in mental health, they’d love to hear from you in their short survey.

It should take between 2- 5 minutes and everyone who takes part can enter the prize draw to win a £50 voucher to spend at M&S too!

Choose your survey

They need as many responses as possible to help them continue the project so please pass the following link on to family, friends and colleagues:

You can find out more about the project on the Siblings Network website:

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Elderly rehab services 'lacking'

There is a lack of support and rehabilitation for elderly patients who need help recovering from falls and hospital care, a report suggests.

Such help is normally provided by joint teams of nurses, physiotherapists and social-care staff in England.

But the British Geriatrics Society audit estimated the services in place were meeting only half the demand.

Full Article on BBC News

Save money with brilliant new community oil scheme

Wiltshire residents are invited to join the super savvy savers of Wiltshire who have between them saved almost £22,000 in the past 10 months on fuel bills.

Anyone who wants to save money on their fuel bills and help the environment too is encouraged to get involved in this innovative new scheme. Community First Wiltshire has developed CF Oil – a brilliant way to negotiate and buy oil collectively for the best price and help local communities save money on their heating fuel.

Members of the scheme in each area can have their oil delivered every month at the same time, saving on fuel miles for the lorries as well as on cash for themselves. Once it receives all the orders Community First organises bulk purchase and delivery of the oil from different suppliers at the best prices, achieving collective savings for all the members in the group.

Since starting CF Oil in October 2011 Community First has saved clients £21,688.82 on their combined fuel bills. This is an average saving of £150, with the highest saving on a single order being £499. CF Oil now wants to recruit more members and more volunteer co-ordinators all across Wiltshire to make the scheme even more economical and worthwhile.

Co-ordinators only have to volunteer for an hour or two each month. They save on the annual membership fee for the scheme, currently £20 a year for private households, £30 for community buildings and £100 for businesses, and don’t have to handle any money, since members pay for their order direct to the delivery company.

Philippa Read, Chief Executive of Community First said “Every time a tanker comes out to make a delivery, it is using a lot of diesel - a full tanker can get as little as a horrifying eight miles per gallon. If deliveries are organised so that one tanker delivers to several customers in a village at one time instead of making lots of individual deliveries, the fuel consumption is reduced and so is traffic in the village.”

To join the scheme or find out more about being a local co-ordinator please contact CF Oil at Community First, Wyndhams, St Joseph’s Place, Devizes, Wilts SN10 1DD; on tel 01380 732809 or email

Monday, 10 September 2012

Cameron culls social care ministers in reshuffle

David Cameron's government reshuffle has triggered a mass clearout of ministers with responsibility for social care and welfare.

Both ministers with responsibility for social care and social work - Paul Burstow (adult services) and Tim Loughton (children's services) - have been removed to the backbenches, triggering concerns of a loss of expertise and momentum in both areas.

Burstow's former boss, Andrew Lansley, has also been removed from his post as health secretary to become leader of the House of Commons, while children's minister Sarah Teather, who had responsibility for disabled children's issues, has also lost her job.

Full Article on Community Care

Meet the new social care, welfare and justice ministers

Friday, 7 September 2012

SURVEY: Carers Shopping Habits

Skills for Care would like Carers to complete a short survey about their shopping habits and thoughts about shopping.

They are interested in your perspective as a carer in relation to general shopping that you need/have to do on a regular basis, rather than shopping that you might do as a leisure activity.

Take the Survey

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Reshuffle shifts key welfare and care ministers

The UK Government reshuffle yesterday brought a number of changes to key ministers for carers.

Conservative Minister for Disabled People Maria Miller has been promoted to Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. As a former shadow Minister for Families she has also spoken at Carers UK's Summit for three years in a row, latterly in her role at the Department of Work and Pensions. Her portfolio, which includes the replacement of Disability Living Allowance with Personal Independence Payment and a possible review of Carer's Allowance, is being taken by Wirral Conservative MP Esther McVey, who was elected in 2010. Iain Duncan-Smith, the Minister in overall charge of the Department for Work and Pensions, remains in post.

The following changes, at the Department of Health, will only affect carers in England, as health is a devolved issue.

Full Article on Carers UK

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Burstow leaves 'dream' job as adult social care minister

Paul Burstow has expressed his sadness at leaving "dream job" as care services minister after two years in David Cameron's government reshuffle today.

Burstow, who will be replaced by fellow Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb, said the role had given him "the opportunity to make a difference in a policy area I care deeply about". He will return to the backbenches.

A long-time campaigner on social care issues, he particularly highlighted the publication last month of a White Paper and draft bill on reforming care funding and law as something it had been an "absolute privilege" to be involved in.

Full Article on Community Care

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Cabinet reshuffle: Jeremy Hunt replaces Andrew Lansley as Health Secretary

Andrew Lansley, the architect of the Coalition’s controversial NHS reforms, has been demoted from his job as health secretary in David Cameron’s government reshuffle.
He will be replaced by Jeremy Hunt, who as culture secretary oversaw the Olympics and faced controversy over his links with Rupert Murdoch’s empire.
Chris Grayling, a champion of the Conservative Right, becomes Justice Secretary, replacing Kenneth Clarke. Mr Clarke, 72, becomes a minister without portfolio, advising Mr Cameron on issues including the economy.
Mr Lansley, who had held the health post since May 2010, will become Leader of the House, a post vacated by Sir George Young.

Full Article on Telegraph

Monday, 3 September 2012

Memory Café to open in Melksham

A monthly café for people with memory problems and their families is to open in Melksham this month.

The Alzheimer café will be held at the Arts Café in Market Place from 3.45pm to 5.15pm. It is the third run by Wiltshire charity Alzheimer’s Support and is funded by Wiltshire Council.

The cafes give an opportunity to socialise with others in a similar situation while gaining useful information about memory loss and dementia.  Memory specialists and other professionals will be on hand for informal discussions over homemade tea and cakes, and guests can find out more about what support is available to people with dementia and their family carers in Wiltshire.

The speaker at the first event, on September 15, is clinical psychologist Paul Whitby, who will talk about Alzheimers: Myths and Facts.  All are welcome, but for catering purposes please call 01225 776481 if you would like to come along.

Councillor Jemima Milton, Wiltshire Council’s portfolio holder for adult care said: “We are delighted to be able to support this initiative which will help people living with dementia to meet others in similar circumstances.  We want to encourage people with dementia and their carers to participate in their local community and through this type of event we hope to support people to remain active and live well with dementia.”

Alzheimer’s Support also runs cafés at Fullingbridge Farm near Westbury, and East Grafton near Marlborough. Go to for more details.

Course helps families cope with dementia

PEOPLE caring for a relative with dementia at home can find out more about coping with the illness at a free training course in Devizes.

Six weekly sessions will include a look at the different types of dementia, how they can affect people and how to deal with everyday situations that might arise. There is also information on the legal and financial aspects of caring and an overview of the services available to people at different stages of their ‘dementia journey’.

The course is run by independent Wiltshire charity Alzheimer’s Support and funded by Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire. All the speakers are experts in their fields.

Anna Littlechild, chief executive of Alzheimers’ Support, said: “A diagnosis of dementia is difficult thing to come to terms with for both the person affected and their families. Our course aims to help family carers understand more about the illness and to feel better equipped to deal with its effects. 

“We have run these courses in the past and one of the best things is that people meet and make friends with others who are going through similar experiences.”

Councillor Jemima Milton, Wiltshire Council’s portfolio holder for adult care said: “We are delighted to be able to support this initiative with a grant so that carers of people with dementia are better equipped to deal with the challenges they face”

The course will be held at Devizes Town Hall on Friday mornings from September 28 to November 2.  If you would like to come along or to find out please contact Stephany Bardzil on 01225 776481.