Thursday, 17 November 2011

Carer Quality of Life Survey

What is the purpose of this study?
Family caregivers are known to be a vital source of support for people with dementia who live at home. Health professionals are increasingly recognising the importance of considering the needs of the carer as well as their relative and questionnaires are a commonly used method of measuring health status and quality of life.

This study seeks to assess the strength of a newly developed questionnaire, the ICECAP-O (ICEpop CAPability measure for Older people). This questionnaire has been developed to measure quality of life for members of the general population aged 65 and over. We are asking you to complete the questionnaire to see how suitable it is for use with carers of people with dementia. The information collected from this survey will form part of a PhD project assessing the use of different quality of life questionnaires in studies involving carers of people with dementia.

The survey will consist of a number of questions relating to your quality of life and living situation. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Each person can only complete the survey once, but if you share caregiving with another person they are able to take part in the survey.

All survey responses received by 31/12/2011 will be entered into a prize draw to win a £250 Marks and Spencer voucher.

Participation in the study is entirely voluntary, and you are free to refuse to take part or withdraw at any time, without giving a reason.

Data will remain confidential and participants will not be named or identifiable in the notes or subsequent write-ups.

Here is the link to the survey:

If you have any questions, or require further information please contact:
Carys Jones
Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation
Institute of Medical and Social Care Research
Dean Street
Bangor, Gwynedd
LL57 1UT

Telephone: 01248 38 2483

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