Monday, 19 March 2012

Elderly 'should be cared for at home on NHS'

Spending more NHS money on community health programmes and social care would reduce the burden placed on hospitals by patients including dementia sufferers, according to a new report.
But the coalition has failed to remove barriers which prevent health and social care from being more closely integrated, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) said.
The controversial Health and Social Care Bill – which is currently being debated in parliament – could further "undermine" efforts to link NHS and care services by failing to break down existing barriers to co-operation, the report warns.
The number of people aged 90 and over in England is forecast to increase by 146 per cent in the next 20 years, putting a greater demand on the NHS and care services while reducing the proportion of younger people able to provide paid and unpaid care.

Full Article on Telegraph

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