Monday, 30 September 2013

'It shouldn't be this hard to care for my elderly parents'

Figures have emerged that more women are returning to work after having children than ever before. However, the statistics do not reveal why these women are returning to work. It is a genuine choice or is it an economic necessity? Either way the issue of child-care for pre-school aged children is a hot potato.
Political parties are doing everything to make it possible for parents to work and are providing subsidised nursery places. They are doing their best to help with that five year gap before the child begins full time school. I don’t have children but it would appear that if you do then the powers that be are trying to be on your side. I’m not saying it’s easy to juggle parenthood with work. I imagine it’s very difficult and it’s one of the many reasons that I chose not to have children.

Full Article on Telegraph / Women

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