Monday, 31 October 2011

Autism Consultation: Have Your Say

Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives: The Autism Strategy for adults with Autism in Wiltshire

The ‘Wiltshire Autism Partnership’ would like to know your views about the strategy for adults with autism in Wiltshire. This strategy has been written so that:

Picture of people in their community

“All adults with autism are able to live fulfilling and rewarding lives within a society that accepts and understands them.

Picture of two men talking

"They can get a diagnosis and access the support if they need it, and they can depend on mainstream public services to treat them fairly as individuals, helping them make the most of their talents.”

The number 5

To help make this happen, there are 5 areas that the Wiltshire Autism Partnership are focusing on;

Gathering information

To improve information about the number of adults with autism in Wiltshire

A woman using a clipboard to train people

To increase the awareness and understanding of autism in Wiltshire

Healthcare professionals at work

To develop a clear and equal way for people to find out if they have autism (getting a diagnosis)

A group of people within a community

To improve ways for adults with autism to use the services and support they need to live independently within the community.

Different people in their work place

To support adults with autism into work

Read the first part of the strategy 1mb Automatically imported picture.

A man with an idea

We would like to ask you about what the ‘Wiltshire Autism Partnership’ intend to do.

A checklist with the top item ticked

This is to understand if they have missed anything or need to make any changes.

A plan document

This information will also help the Wiltshire Autism Partnership to plan how they will make these priorities happen for people with autism.

A list of 3 items

There are 3 questionnaires. Please click on a link below to complete the questionnaire which is relevant to you.
A questionnaire for people with autism
Easy read questionnaire for people with autism 865kb
A questionnaire for carers and family members
A questionnaire for professionals

A red cross in a box

If there are any questions that you cannot or do not want to answer, please leave them blank and move onto the next question.

An information symbol

Please Note: The term ‘Autism’ has been used to reflect the full spectrum, including aspergers and high functioning autism.

The consultation ends on 31 January 2012
If you have any further questions or difficulties completing these forms, please phone 01225 718559 and we can talk about the best way to support you with this. You can also email

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