Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Trowbridge GPs team up with CAB to offer advice at surgery

Patients at a Trowbridge GP can now see a Citizens Advice Bureau caseworker at the surgery thanks to a new partnership.

NHS Wiltshire and the CAB have teamed up with GPs at Adcroft Surgery to offer patients free, confidential advice on debt, benefits and other issues in a bid to improve patients' overall health.

Citizens Advice workers have successfully worked with GP practices in other areas offering advice which has resulted in improvements in patients' stress levels, anxiety, a reduction in smoking and improved energy levels.

The scheme is now available at Adcroft for its registered patients on Thursday and Friday mornings and at Bemerton Heath Surgery in Salisbury.

Full Article on This is Wiltshire

Wiltshire Short Breaks Local Offer for 2012-13

Wiltshire Short Breaks Local Offer for 2012-13.

Short break options aimed at those children and young people who require additional support to access a short break (leisure or recreational activities) because of their disability and/or special educational needs. The Local Offer was designed in consultation with parents and carers and was launched for the first time in 2010.   It enables families to choose the type of short break that works best for them. 

Wiltshire Parent Carer Council can confirm the following for 2012-2013:   
  1. Information Booklet and Registration/Application Form is available slightly earlier this year and is being sent by post directly to families via Wiltshire Council.  In the past, whilst some schools have been really excellent in helping to distribute these, many families reported they either got the information either  much later in the year or, in some cases, not at all (via school).  They and Wiltshire Council hope that by posting directly to eligible families, take up of the Local Offer will reach 100% this time round!  Please check your letterbox from w/c 5th March. 
  2. Wiltshire Council's Aiming High Team worked very hard to set up an online application facility for this year (which would have been far easier for us all) but there was so much 'red tape' to get through it simply has not been possible.   If you don't want to wait until next week for the hard copy of the leaflet and application form to arrive by post, you can download a copy from their website. 
  3. Hard copies will also be available from their office if you need extra copies telephone 01672 569300 and they'll have a pile on their stand at the Annual Aiming High in Wiltshire event on 14th March at The Civic Centre, Trowbridge (details of this event and booking form will follow shortly).
  4. Apply between now and by the 18th May 2012 to ensure you receive the full entitlement however, please note that your choice of short break will be effective from 1st April 2012 - 31st March 2013. 
  5. Applications received from 21st May 2012 will be subject to a reduced entitlement.
  6. Applications received after the 28th September 2012 will NOT be eligible for the Local Offer.

Further information on this year's Short Break Local Offer 2012-13 can be found on their website

Please take the time to read the information available on their website and the Local Offer booklet from cover to cover and get your applications into Wiltshire Council as early as you can. 

Mental health scheme to get cash boost

An extra £22m is to be provided for a special scheme to help young people who "suffer in silence" from mental health problems, Nick Clegg will announce on Wednesday.

As figures show that one in 10 children between the ages of five and 16 experience mental health problems, the deputy prime minister will say that the new money will be used to expand new psychological therapies.

The new investment Children and Young People's Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) project will also help extend training for people working with youngsters in schools and youth groups.

Clegg said: "Too many young people suffer in silence with mental health problems. This is vital investment that will give children the very best tailored treatment to restore them to good health, so that their illnesses are not simply swept under the carpet.

Full Article on Guardian

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Harbour: Therapeutic Group for Carers

Do you look after someone with a life threatening illness?

If so then this group could be for you.

Caring for someone who is ill puts pressure on everyone. Carers can find it hard to think or talk about their own needs. Many feel conflicting emotions such as love, hate, sadness, guilt, resentment, anger, and more, all at once. Some are overwhelmed with anxiety or fear for the future. Many feel very isolated.

A therapeutic group can help you recognise that you are not alone. It offers a safe and supportive environment to explore and understand your feelings. The group will draw on life experiences as a way of helping people make sense of what they are facing now. Sessions will help you to communicate more effectively, and you’ll be able to take this into relationships in everyday life, with family, friends and colleagues.

The group will meet weekly for a 6 month period, and will be led by an experienced group facilitator. The Harbour is a charity providing free counselling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples and groups affected by life threatening illness.

To find out more, please contact:
0117 9259348

GP Accreditation Roadshow Events

The Wiltshire Investors in Carers aims to raise awareness of work already being undertaken to support Carers in GP practices in Wiltshire, and to encourage further development work. The idea of having an attainment scheme was first developed by the Ceredigion Carers Alliance. This scheme for Wiltshire has been developed locally in Wiltshire by local Carers, members of voluntary agencies such as Carers Support, a number of GP surgeries and members of NHS Wiltshire and Wiltshire Council. There are three levels of attainments: bronze, silver and gold.

There are 63 GP practices in Wiltshire; the largest urban practice has 18062 patients registered, with the smallest rural practice in South Wiltshire having 1778. All practices in Wiltshire attained Quality Outcome Framework (QOF) points in 2009/2010 relating to Carers, which means they have a protocol for the identification of Carers and a mechanism to refer Carers for social services assessment. However, how actively the benefits of identifying yourself as a Carer to the practice are publicised, and the additional support and services Carers receive varies greatly between practices. We hope the scheme will encourage all surgeries to understand and support carers by implementing the suggested actions in the award scheme and develop partnership working with Carer Support Wiltshire.

A number of members involved in the development of the levels will form the ‘Accreditation Panel’ who will oversee the scheme, and award accreditation certificates.

We’d like you to come along and find out all about it...

18th April 2012 12-2pm at Beversbrook Sports Facility, Calne
19th April 2012 12-2pm at Devizes Sports Hall
24th April 2012 12-2pm at Bridge House, Trowbridge
25th April 2012 12-2pm at Salisbury Playhouse

Lunch will be provided. Please call 0800 181 4118 to book.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Leading carer charities announce new name

The Princess Royal Trust for Carers and Crossroads Care are today (23FEB12) launching the name - Carers Trust - and visual identity for the charity that will be formed as a result of their merger on 1 April 2012.
Carers Trust will be a major new charity for, with and about carers which combines the knowledge, skills, expertise and experience of its founder charities and all of its Network Partners.

Commenting on the announcement, Andrew Cozens, Chair of Carers Trust said: ‘We are delighted to be sharing the new charity’s name, strapline and visual identity. Together with our Network Partners, Carers Trust will provide support, information, advice and services for the millions of people caring for a family member or friend.

‘With carers’ needs, choices and voices at the heart of everything we do, we will strive to ensure that the enormous contribution they make to society and to those they care for is fully recognised, appreciated and valued.’

The brand was developed by the Carers Trust board in conjunction with Forster Communications and included extensive research with a range of groups including carers, staff and Network Partners.

Athena Lamnisos, Head of Insight and Planning at Forster’s, said: ‘Consultation revealed that carers need a modern, fresh and dynamic brand that represents the diversity of people providing unpaid care for a friend or relative. They need action, help and advice. Above all, they need to feel they have the support of an organisation that puts carers first. We are delighted that our work with Carers Trust has produced a brand that encapsulates this.’

The two charities have been in detailed negotiations for the past 18 months and, subject to the remaining formal and regulatory steps, the new charity will be operational from 1 April 2012, with a public launch in May.

The Trust and Crossroads Care have a strong history of working together, with a number of jointly funded posts and a range of successful fundraising and policy campaigns.

Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, has agreed to be President of Carers Trust, a role she has held at The Princess Royal Trust for Carers since it formed in 1991. Both charities’ networks will continue to provide support to carers under their local brands, and are not expected to merge locally as a result of the national merger.

Article taken from

Thursday, 23 February 2012

New Disability Living Allowance forms for children

The Department for Work and Pensions has introduced a new Disability Living Allowance (DLA) claim form for children. This form is being rolled out across the country for new claimants area by area, and should cover the whole of the UK by the end of March 2012. 

Remember it’s only the claim form that has changed – the rules are still the same. It won’t be any easier to get DLA, but hopefully it will be a bit easier to complete the claim form. Contact a Family’s welfare rights team are updating their Guide to claiming Disability Living Allowance for children to cover how to complete the new form. 

The new guide will be available in March. 

Please call their freephone helpline for a free copy on 0808 808 3555.

Support group's concern over Wiltshire dementia diagnosis

More than 200 people were diagnosed with dementia in Wiltshire last year – bringing the total in the county to 2,120.

However, the real number of people living with the incurable condition is more than 6,500, according to a new report by the Alzheimer’s Society.

The new diagnosis rate of 33 per cent is an improvement on last year’s 31 per cent, but is still too low, according to local charity Alzheimer’s Support.

Chief executive officer Anna Littlechild said: “The figures are moving in the right direction.

“However, there are still too many people who are undiagnosed.

Full Article on Wiltshire Times

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Wiltshire Council's Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy draft 2012-2015

The council regards the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) as a key partner in delivering its vision for stronger, more resilient communities in Wiltshire. As such the council believes it is strategically important to develop a positive relationship with the VCS. The draft VCS strategy sets out the council's corporate approach to working with and supporting the VCS, in a way that is consistent with the Wiltshire Compact.

Wiltshire Council are now seeking views from a wide range of VCS organisations and other partners. You can read the full draft strategy document 836kb

You can have your say on the draft strategy by completeing the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy Consultation online survey. You can also email Emma Cooper at

GPs 'to prescribe health apps'

GPs could soon offer their patients free smartphone apps to help with managing health conditions.

The Department of Health says its initiative is the "next step" in the drive to give patients more control over their own health.

The apps could help diabetics keep a check on their blood sugar and patients monitor their own blood pressure.
Details of how this will work will be in the government's Information Strategy expected this Spring.

It may be that GPs will be able to prescribe apps that would normally involve a cost to the individual to buy.

Full Article on BBC News

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

SURVEY: Counting the Costs 2012

Contact a Family is calling on parents and other family members caring for a disabled child to take part in our important research about the financial situation for families with disabled children in 2012.

Counting the Costs 2012 is a repeat of a survey and report we carried out in 2008 and 2010. Your collective responses will give a snapshot of families’ current financial situation and whether it has improved or worsened over the last four years.

The findings and report will help us to raise awareness and lobby for change particularly around some of the detail that is yet to be finalised in the welfare reforms. Please help to build that picture by completing the survey which should not take more than 15 minutes. The deadline is 11th March.

Wiltshire Council scheme offers elderly care funding advice

A scheme has been launched in Wiltshire to help people plan their finances for care they may need later in life.
Wiltshire Council, in partnership with the Society of Later Life Advisors (SOLLA), aims to offer advice to older people about post-retirement options.

Around 65% of older people in Wiltshire fund their own care.

The council's James Cawley said he wants to help people make "informed choices" about funding care.
He said: "People tend to leave it to the last minute to have the conversation with loved ones about how to fund appropriate care in later life, and we want to encourage people to think a bit earlier and plan for that issue which will occur for everyone."

In association with SOLLA, the council will help elderly people and their families speak to accredited financial advisers who specialise in the financial needs of older people.

People will be advised on subjects such as equity release, long term and respite care options, annuities and investments and savings.

Mr Cawley said: "We want to work with people to say, here is a regulated, informed group who can give you advice."

Article taken from BBC News

Monday, 20 February 2012

Wiltshire Warmth: Want to know more about how to stay warm this Winter?

Save money on your heating bills
For free or discounted loft and cavity wall insulation call 0800 512 012 for Wiltshire Council’s warm and well scheme or go to or ring 01722 434349 for Wiltshire Council’s home energy adviser.

Advice on how to make your home warmer and to access grants
Ridgeway Care & Repair (part of Aster Living) can offer you advice on how to make your home warmer, healthier and more energy efficient.

Get information on heating or insulation grants that could be available to you. If you have low income or a health condition the work may even be free. Ridgeway can also help arrange private works with reputable trusted contractors. Call for more information on (01380) 829009, textphone 07720 700200 or email

Benefit advice
For advice on help with benefits and paying your fuel bills, contact Wiltshire Citizens Advice Bureau on 0844 375 2775 or 0300 456 8375.

Pressure mounts on Cameron over NHS summit

David Cameron was accused of "playing a dangerous game of divide and rule" by only inviting royal medical colleges and health practitioners that he believes will back his NHS reorganisation to a special summit at Downing Street on Monday.

Andy Burnham, shadow health secretary, criticised the decision to exclude health bodies believed to include the BMA and the Royal College of General Practitioners from the summit, even though the transfer of greater powers to doctors is a centrepiece of the changes.

Burnham said doctors had "strong and sincerely held views" on the government's plans for the NHS and didn't deserve to have the door to the summit "shut in their faces".

But Tory health minister Simon Burns insisted that it was not "odd at all" not to invite them because the meeting was part of "an ongoing dialogue".

Full Article on Guardian

Friday, 17 February 2012

Welfare Reform: Your questions answered

How carers will be affected by planned changes to benefits

In February 2012 the Government is in the process of making the biggest changes to the working-age benefits system for decades. This is bringing a great deal of uncertainty and fear for families affected by illness and disability who depend on benefits for their everyday living costs.

To try and explain, in plain English, what these changes will mean for carers and their families, Carers UK has put together a list of frequently asked questions about welfare reform.

The Government have still not announced some of the details, including key information on the knock-on impact of some of the changes on carers – so we still do not have answers to some important questions. However we are pressing hard for more details and will update this briefing as soon as we have them.

Full Article on CarersUK

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Discounted Carers Holidays - Launch Offer

The Carers Centre in Bristol has recently launched a new initiative providing carers the opportunity to have a break, with or without the cared for in two holiday caravan park locations – one in the Cotswolds and one in Devon.  They have 8 caravans in total, 4 of which are fully wheelchair accessible.   These are designed to offer carers an affordable, much needed break and change of scene. The feedback so far has been really positive and a break in a different environment in stunning English countryside can make an enormous difference.

“We have just returned from our break in Torquay and have had a really lovely time. The caravan was out of this world and totally fab”
“The van was lovely and the holiday very much needed and enjoyed”.

They are now taking bookings online and to launch their new website they are offering unbeatable prices. Early bird bookings before 1st March will receive a 10% discount and for holidays booked during March they offer an additional £20 discount:-

March prices

Launch offer
Early Bird offer
Standard carers price
Full price
3/4 nights
7 nights

For more information, please visit

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Ministers and MPs back carers' fight with banks

Ministers and MPs are calling on banks to improve services offered to carers and those operating bank accounts on behalf of elderly or disabled relatives. 

This follows the year-long campaign of carer Annie Dransfield whose case, featured in Financial Mail last February, was the subject of a debate in Parliament this month. 

Her battle with Lloyds over access to her disabled son’s account (see below) highlighted the crucial roles played by banks in helping, or hindering, carers. 

In response to Annie’s story, a Treasury Minister promised Parliament that ‘we will monitor this issue in the context of improving access to banking and in the context of Government actions to support carers’. 

Monday, 13 February 2012

Special event for people with memory loss

A special event to hear about people’s experiences of memory loss and to find out more about what help is available is being held in Royal Wootton Bassett next month.

The event, which is being organised by the Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board, is open to anyone who suffers from memory loss, their carers, support groups, as well as friends and family.

It will be held on 2 March 2012 at the Marsh Farm Hotel from 11am to 3pm.

Area board member, Jacqui Lay, said: “We have organised this event to find out more about the experiences of people who live with memory loss and the experience of those who look after and care for them. It will be an opportunity for people to share the challenges they face and their ideas and aspirations for the future. They can hear how other people in similar circumstances are managing and they can find out more about what help is available, or what they would like to receive, in the area."

Anyone who would like to attend the event can book a place by clicking on this link
Places can also be booked by contacting community area manager Alison Sullivan, on 07917 721371 or Cllr Jacqui Lay on 01793 770704.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Council investing millions to help older people

Wiltshire Council is bucking the national trend by investing more money than ever into supporting the county’s older people.

A report published last week by Age UK said cuts to council grants were having a devastating impact on services for older people across the country.

However, here in Wiltshire the council is actually investing more in these services and is helping even more people thanks to excellent working partnerships with the voluntary and community sector, particularly Age UK Wiltshire.

Cabinet member for adult social services, John Thomson, said: “Despite the pressures on our budget we are actually proposing to invest £71 million to improve services for older people.

Full Article on Wiltshire Council

Have you got what it takes to be a Digital Champion Volunteer?

Just imagine if the internet was taken away from you for a week.

No Facebook. No Skype. No online shopping or catch-up TV.
Wouldn’t you feel really lonely and disconnected?

It’s hard to believe, but there are still over 8 million people in the UK who’ve never been online. This means that in Wiltshire alone, there are some 68,000 of us who’ve never experienced the magic of the internet.

Why not share your computer skills with someone in your local community and help transform their life?

Become a Digital Champion volunteer with Wiltshire Online and see what a difference you can make.

For more information, visit, or contact the Wiltshire Online team on:

Tel: 01225 793349 Email:

Mental health problems 'often undetected' in people with long-term conditions

The NHS could be wasting billions of pounds by failing to identify mental health problems among people with long-term conditions, a new report claims.

People with chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, are two to three times more likely to experience mental health problems than the general population.

But the King's Fund and the Centre for Mental Health say that mental health conditions often go undetected in these patients, resulting in poorer outcomes for patients and a high financial cost to the NHS.

Full Article on NetDoctor

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Telecare initiative in Wiltshire supports independent living

Wiltshire Council is taking the lead in supporting hundreds of vulnerable people to stay in their own homes, with an array of telecare monitors and alerts.

From alarms to warn of bath water overflowing or empty kettles left boiling, to sophisticated medication monitoring systems which ensure pills are taken at the right time (such as the PivoTell, shown here), the council is making sure that independence at home is a safe alternative to residential care, for as long as possible.

Bed sensors can summon help if someone gets up in the night and fails to return in a reasonable time, possibly because they have fallen, while a front door sensor can raise the alarm if the householder goes out in the early hours. Portable GPS devices can help friends or family find the missing person if they do wander off.

Full Article on Independent Living

Carers 'not getting vital advice on nutrition'

Carers are not receiving the advice and information they need to ensure ill or disabled relatives have a healthy diet, a report has found.

The report, entitled 'Malnutrition and Caring: The hidden cost for families', was prepared by Carers UK, which surveyed more than 2,000 charity members about their experiences of managing their loved one's diet and nutritional requirements.

Researchers found that 25 per cent of respondents were looking after someone who was underweight, while one in six were caring for someone at risk of malnutrition but were receiving no nutritional support.

Full Article on NetDoctor

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Care for elderly 'let down by fragmented system'

Older people are being let down by a social care system in which they are "passed like a parcel" between services, a committee of MPs has said.

The Commons health select committee wants local areas in England to deliver "joined-up" care, health and housing.

Funding pressures were reducing older people's quality of life, MPs added.

The government said "urgent reform of the care and support system is needed", and that it was creating the conditions for more integration.

Full Article on BBC News

EVENTS: Better support for children & young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

3 consultation workshops are being held for parents, carers and professionals to have their say on how support services can better meet the needs of children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Wiltshire.

Wiltshire Parent Carer Council are keen to hear your views across education, health and social care services. Come and tell them:
 what you think is currently working well
 where improvements could be made
 what we can begin to do differently

All workshops start at 10am with coffee and registration. Lunch will be provided at 12.30pm and the day will close at 2pm.

Thursday 8th March - St John's Parish Centre, Trowbridge BA14 9EA
Friday 9th March - Corn Exchange, Devizes SN10 1HS
Thursday 22nd March - City Hall, Salisbury SP2 7TU

Parents and Carers can claim travelling and childcare expenses for this event

This is your chance to meet and talk with education, social care and health professionals plus officers from Wiltshire Council and have an opportunity to network with other parents and carers.

Booking is essential - you can book by completing the online form or by calling 01672 569300

Cancer information day proves a success

ABOUT 120 people attended a Cancer Information Day held in Salisbury on Saturday to mark World Cancer Day.

The event, organised by Carer Support Wiltshire and supported by Wiltshire Council, NHS Wiltshire and Salisbury City Council provided information on how to reduce the chances of getting cancer as well as offering support and advice to people coping with the disease and carers looking after people with cancer.

Maggie Rae, director of public health and public protection for NHS Wiltshire and Wiltshire Council, spoke about cancer prevention at the event.

Article taken from Salisbury Journal

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Carers Group: Primary Care Centre, Malmesbury

Julie Frayling (Carers Rep) runs a monthly Carers Group at The Primary Care Centre in Malmesbury.  The group runs on the first Thursday of each Month and takes place between 14:00 and 16:00.  Here are the upcoming dates:

1st March        -           Caroline Kennedy (Library Service)
5th April          -           Stuart Frayling (Growing Sweet Peas, plants to take home)
3rd May           -           Malcolm Hedges (University of the 3rd Age)
7th June         -           Bob Browning (Nepal 1990)
5th July           -           Garden Outing

Carers may wish to contact Julie Frayling prior to attendance.

Malmesbury Primary Care Centre

Priory Way
SN16 0FB
Telephone: 01666 825825
Fax: 01666 827515