Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Wiltshire Short Breaks Local Offer for 2012-13

Wiltshire Short Breaks Local Offer for 2012-13.

Short break options aimed at those children and young people who require additional support to access a short break (leisure or recreational activities) because of their disability and/or special educational needs. The Local Offer was designed in consultation with parents and carers and was launched for the first time in 2010.   It enables families to choose the type of short break that works best for them. 

Wiltshire Parent Carer Council can confirm the following for 2012-2013:   
  1. Information Booklet and Registration/Application Form is available slightly earlier this year and is being sent by post directly to families via Wiltshire Council.  In the past, whilst some schools have been really excellent in helping to distribute these, many families reported they either got the information either  much later in the year or, in some cases, not at all (via school).  They and Wiltshire Council hope that by posting directly to eligible families, take up of the Local Offer will reach 100% this time round!  Please check your letterbox from w/c 5th March. 
  2. Wiltshire Council's Aiming High Team worked very hard to set up an online application facility for this year (which would have been far easier for us all) but there was so much 'red tape' to get through it simply has not been possible.   If you don't want to wait until next week for the hard copy of the leaflet and application form to arrive by post, you can download a copy from their website. 
  3. Hard copies will also be available from their office if you need extra copies telephone 01672 569300 and they'll have a pile on their stand at the Annual Aiming High in Wiltshire event on 14th March at The Civic Centre, Trowbridge (details of this event and booking form will follow shortly).
  4. Apply between now and by the 18th May 2012 to ensure you receive the full entitlement however, please note that your choice of short break will be effective from 1st April 2012 - 31st March 2013. 
  5. Applications received from 21st May 2012 will be subject to a reduced entitlement.
  6. Applications received after the 28th September 2012 will NOT be eligible for the Local Offer.

Further information on this year's Short Break Local Offer 2012-13 can be found on their website

Please take the time to read the information available on their website and the Local Offer booklet from cover to cover and get your applications into Wiltshire Council as early as you can. 

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