Friday, 13 January 2012

National Autistic Society (NAS) out of school clubs survey

It's that time of year when the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) and Wiltshire Council are conducting review meetings with all the organisations who provide short breaks or leisure opportunities for our children and young people.

WPCC work very closely with the National Autistic Society (NAS) who provide youth clubs (also referred to as 'out of school clubs') to
  • children and young people who are aged between 8-18 years
  • have high functioning Autism or Aspergers Syndrome
  • are accessing few othe play or leisure opportunities
  • would benefit from a group environment
Clubs are currently available in Trowbridge, Devizes (Rowde), Chippenham and Salisbury.
Some of you will already be using the NAS youth clubs, some you will be on a waiting list and some of you may not know that these are available in Wiltshire (further information about the clubs is attached).  So that they can get a good picture of your experience with NAS youth clubs, they want to hear from all of you!

WPCC have set up several surveys - please click on the survey link most relevant to your current situation with the NAS youth clubs.
If you currently use the clubs, please take the survey by following this link:

If you have been in touch with NAS and are currently on a waiting list, please take the survey by following this link:

If you are not using the clubs OR were not aware that these exist in Wiltshire, please take the survey by following this link:

  • You will be able to respond to these surveys over the next 2 weeks. 
  • The surveys will close at midnight on  Friday 27th January
after which they will discuss the results with Wiltshire Council and NAS, and use your feedback to ensure these clubs continue to meet the needs of families locally, the best that they can.

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